The 6th Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium
“Constitutional Court and Judicial Independence: A Comparative Perspective”
Jakarta, 10-11 August 2023
The 6th Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium
Serious challenges have emerged to the independence of the Constitutional Court and the position of judges in many countries. These challenges take many different forms, including legislative amendments regarding the judiciary, the issue of the Court’s staff, budget and financial independence, attempts by other state institutions to gain control over the court’s independence, and political attacks on specific judges and the judiciary as a whole.
These judicial challenges require serious concern. Therefore, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia will hold the 6th Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium (the 6th ICCIS), which will take place in Jakarta on August 10-11, 2023. This will be the sixth annual symposium of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, following the success of our previous international symposia in Surakarta in 2017, Yogyakarta in 2018, Bali in 2019, Bandung in 2021, and Bali in 2022.
The 6th ICCIS will be held in person at the venue. This year’s focus is on issues concerning constitutional court and judicial independence. Selected articles from the 6th ICCIS (subject to peer review decision) will be published in the Constitutional Review journal, indexed by Scopus and managed by the Center for Research and Case Analysis and Library Management of the Indonesian Constitutional Court.
The theme of the 6th Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium (ICCIS) is “Constitutional Court and Judicial Independence: A Comparative Perspective.” This theme will enable symposium participants to discuss various perspectives on how to promote and protect the principle of judicial independence as a central foundation of the rule of law and democracy from different countries. Moreover, a comparative perspective allows us to examine the concept of judicial independence and identify best practices across different countries. It will help us understand the complexities and challenges in maintaining an independent judiciary across different legal systems.
Sub Themes :
- Independence of the Constitutional Court in the Democracy Era
- Independence of Constitutional Judges in the Decision-Making Process
- Threats to Judicial Independence Posed by Populist Movements
- The Constitutional Court’s Budget and Financial Independence
- The Constitutional Court Performance and Independence of Judicial Staff
Based on the sub-themes above, the ICCIS is expected to generate many ideas from the different perspectives of constitutional and comparative law, as well as to offer new perspectives on developments in subjects related to the symposium’s theme. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia provides opportunities for legal scholars, researchers, lawyers, and practitioners from all over the world to participate in the 6th ICCIS. All participants are encouraged to submit a paper that aligns with the theme of this year’s symposium. Selected speakers will be fully funded to attend the 6th ICCIS and selected papers will be published in Constitutional Review journal indexed by Scopus.
Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. Saldi Isra, S.H.
Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia
Honorary Speech

Professor Jimly Asshiddiqie
The 1st Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, 2003-2008

Prof. Marvic Mario Victor F. Leonen*
Senior Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines, Philippines

Prof. Tim Lindsey
Malcolm Smith Chair of Asian Law and Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor at Melbourne Law School

Prof. Simon Butt
Director of the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the University of Sydney Law School

Prof. Zoltán Szente
Institute for Legal Studies, Hungary

Prof. Sang-hyeon Jeon
Seoul National University School of Law

Prof. Manuel Adrián Merino Menjívar
Gerardo Barrios University of El Salvador

Prof. Mirza Satria Buana
Centre for Human Rights, Lambung Mangkurat University (PUSHAM ULM)

Fritz Edward Siregar, Ph.D.
Indonesia Jentera School of Law

Dr. Mónica Castillejos-Aragón
Lecturer in Legal Studies, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law

Dr. Idul Rishan
Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia

Osayd Awawda, Ph.D.
Hebron University, Palestine

Cekli Setya Pratiwi, LL.M.
the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies - Mahidol University

Justin B. Apperson
William & Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia
The 6th ICCIS's Video Teaser
Main Theme:
“Constitutional Court and Judicial Independence: A Comparative Perspective”
Sub Themes:
- Independence of the Constitutional Court in the Democracy Era
- Independence of Constitutional Judges in the Decision Making Process
- Threats to Judicial Independence posed by Populist Movements
- The Constitutional Court’s Budget and Financial Independence
- The Constitutional Court Performance and Independence of Judicial Staff
Application Procedure
Practical matters and requirements for final paper submission:
- The International Symposium will feature a plenary session and panel sessions featuring judges, researchers, scholars, lawyers and decision-makers with focus on the theme of 6th ICCIS.
- We particularly encourage selected speakers to submit a full-length paper (8,000-10,000 words) related to the theme of 6th ICCIS using the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) Referencing System. Please follow the author guideline here.
- We recommend that authors who are not native speakers of English seek the assistance of a native speaker to proofread their articles before submitting them to the Committee.
- Deadline of full paper submission is on July 14th, 2023 (GMT+7).
- Selected paper announcement July 17th, 2023.
- For further information, please visit our official website at
- Example of articles published in Constitutional Review Journal can be found here.
Should you have any questions please contact: [email protected].
Subsequent Publication:
Selected papers of the conference will be published on the Constitutional Review (ConsRev) journal, a leading legal periodical on comparative constitutional law, human rights and court jurisprudence as an open-access basis managed by the Center for Research and Case Analysis of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. All papers are subjected to a formal double-blind review process.
Author Guideline:
- Papers should be written in English.
- The authors who are not native speakers of English need to seek the assistance of a native speaker to proofread their papers before submitting them to the committee.
- Papers submitted must be original scientific writings and do not contain elements of plagiarism.
- Submitted papers have not been published elsewhere. The manuscripts are also not under consideration in any publishers.
- We particularly encourage selected speakers to submit a full-length paper (8,000-10,000 words) related to the theme of 5th ICCIS using the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) Referencing System. Please follow the author guideline here.
Submission deadline : July 14th, 2023 (GMT+7)
Acceptance Notification : July 17th, 2023
Conferences Date : August 9th-11th, 2023